Climate & environment
Gasnor is a different energy company and a pioneer in sustainable natural gas production.
Since the year 1989, we have innovated the energy market by challenging the traditional fuels with cleaner and more environmentally friendly solutions.
In our early years, the work was primarily about delivering a product that had lower emissions of harmful climate- and environmental gases, compared to coal and oil.
Today, the work is more about technology and how we can deliver, and opportunities for producing gas as a renewable zero-emission product and when we can have the technology ready for the market.
Gas also has the advantage that it is not either-or, i.e. we do not have to use the yesterday’s technology while we wait for the final solution. As new and better technology will become ready for the marked, we make use of it- and mark a small cheer for being one step closer to the goal.
Although natural gas provides great climate- and environmental benefits, it is not a renewable energy source.
However, as of today, natural gas is the only realistic bridge builder from fossil energy sources to renewable energy sources, both in the short- and medium term.
Given today’s technology, there are no other alternatives than oil. Natural gas has the potential to make a formidable difference in the Norwegian emissions account up to the year 2030. And by that time, we also hope to have landed a zero-emission solution that can revolutionize the transport industry from being a huge climate contaminator to a climate- and environmental winner.
This is our goal. And it is not that far away either.