Specialists point to gas as the best solution
The maritime sector annually emits more than
million tonnes of CO2
Natural gas and battery operation can reduce emissions by
Biogas and hydrogen reduce emissions to
tonnes of CO2
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is the world’s purest marine fuel that is commercially available today. The technology is designated internationally as the preferred fuel for shipping until the year 2050, and Norway has been a pioneer in both the development and use of LNG.
It is cost-effective
Natural gas is competitive in price compared to other fuel variants.
It is also lower maintenance- and operation costs associated with natural gas-powered ships. Natural gas is safe, predictable and since its start-up in 2001, hardly a single case of operational disruption has been registered due to gas or gas installations on any LNG-vessels.
Meets the authorities’ – and the market’s requirements for reduced emissions
Natural gas for ships is the only fuel alternative on the market that satisfies the authorities’ requirements for environmentally harmful emissions.
Therefore, shipping companies that want to take an active position in the climate- and environment question have chosen natural gas for their ships.
In fact, a new ship operating on natural gas may have more than 40 % lower CO2-emissions (depending on technology), and up to 100 % reduction in harmful and air pollutant environmental gases compared to existing ships.
Powerful, clean and quiet
Experiences from 20 years of operation with natural gas, show that the engines are cleaner and require less maintenance than traditional engines.
Gas engines also have a smoother running and lower noise levels, in addition to the fact that diesel spills are history. Crew that has been on gas-powered ships will not return to operations on oil.
The fastest way to the goal
Norway has been a pioneer in the use of and development of natural gas as a fuel for ships, and the technology is designated internationally as the preferred fuel for shipping in the future.
Gas has the potential to be completely emission-free, i.e. a zero-emission technology, but this is a development that must be done in several steps. For one thing, biogas in combination with natural gas is a good alternative today, while Ammonia and renewable LNG will require more development.
By investing in natural gas today, shipowners demonstrate that they are long-term thinking, consider the economy, the environment and their customers, and being shipping companies that want to be competitive also in the future.
Why you should choose Gasnor:
- Gasnor has almost 20 years of experience from working with the LNG-chain
- We have a well-developed distribution network
- We offer bunkering from permanent bunkering facilities, from ships and from tankers
- Gasnor has a high reliability of supply
- We are flexible and solution-oriented in all our deliveries